[Final Lesson] Your Free Take-off Checklist (And A Gift Worth $250)

Was this course too techy for you? Well, there’s a new training I’m creating that’s 100% practical. It’s called “Digital Takeoff Masterclass (How to Setup Your Website and Launch a Digital Business You Love)”. It’s going to be so easy, you don’t need to know anything about programming, design or even online marketing to get your gig rolling. Click here to get started with the course.

Now that you’re reached the end of this course, I thought it’d only be proper for me to ensure you actually implement what you learned the right way.

So find below a Take-off checklist that you can use for this. Click the link and download it. It’s a simple PDF file with checkboxes and super simple stuff.



Asides the free website audit you’re getting right now, you’re also going to get a free 15 minute coaching call from me where you get to ask *ANY* question that’s bothering you. Look out for my email within the next two days to find out how to sign up for it :).

Free Website Audit

If you already have a website and want to know if it is setup properly to get those clients you want, I’d love to have a look at it.

And if your website is still in progress? Once you complete the Take-off checklist, hit me up via the form below for that audit.

What if you still don’t have a website? Don’t fret, you can use the checklist to get started.

I’ll check it out and give you some feedback on what you need to change or improve on with respect to everything we’ve discussed in this course. You can be sure that I’ll also use the Take-off checklist to audit.

It really doesn’t matter how your website looks now. If you’re ready for the audit, simply fill the form below and we’ll get started.

There are no obligations whatsoever. I won’t be asking you for your credit card information or whether you also dislike striped trousers like me :). This is completely free! Cool right?


Get The Free Website Audit

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Website (required)

    What's the goal of your website?
